
The reality is that you craft your career, you build your career, you do what you can in order to generate the opportunities that you want to have, and if you’re hinging all of that on your sexual orientation, or your identity as a gay man, then you’re setting yourself up for disappointment. Actors should be able to explore and examine all different kinds of sexuality, you know?

J.J. Abrams, Zachary Quinto producing Tab Hunter, Anthony Perkins romance film





Okay. 2018 is cool with me.

Uhhhhhhhhhh Pinto fandom?


Look I don’t want to tell them their bidness, but if they don’t case Pine and Quinto in these roles, they’ve done the nation–nay, the WORLD–a grave disservice.


The Pinto AU we’re ALL asking for…

J.J. Abrams, Zachary Quinto producing Tab Hunter, Anthony Perkins romance film

The Cast of The Boys in the Band on Its Place in Broadway History


“The cast of nine openly gay male actors is, as far as those involved in the production know, a first for Broadway. “We’ve come so far in the last 50 years, and this production and this play is a real testament to that progress,” said Quinto, who delivers a crowd-pleasing performance as the witty Harold, the birthday boy. “We’re an all-out gay group of actors, and to cast us all is a celebration. This would have never happened 50 years, or even 15 years ago. But it’s also a reminder how we have to keep leaning into our progress and our evolution as a community.”

Added Watkins, “At the end of the play, us nine gay guys, we take a bow, and we’re all saying to the people in front of us, ‘This is who we are. Don’t fear us, and come be with us.’”

The Cast of The Boys in the Band on Its Place in Broadway History